Jörn BarkemeyerSeptember
To the casual observer, it might seem to be a careful arrangement of colored lines. To the curious and patient, it is more. As new colors reveal themselves, the observer must stop focusing on what is coming and turn their attention to the subject matter before them. The diversity of the colors and the width of each section tell of differing stages, much like the range of emotions, events, and ideas one would go through over the period of a month. Linking colors to these experiences shows that it is not a steady lumber but the barrage of moments that make up life over the course of an entire month.
Price: €50 Digital Edition: 150

Jörn Barkemeyer has studied at the University of Arts, Berlin. As a motion designer, he is an expert on the art of Moving Images.
While the rest of his work often involves fast-speed animations and cuts, he was intrigued to create artworks exclusively for the Cinegrafix frame, focusing on a slower tempo.
This way, it is possible to detect in his motifs elements of motion design, whose movements and transitions can be noticed only through closer observation.
What is more, his artworks include segments of film footage, introducing the observer to novel views of objects and movements.
The Cinegrafix frame offers all spectators both the appropriate space and time to be able to internalize these works.