Fire in Desert
Thomas SeherFire in Desert
Fire in Desert
The small comforts of something as simple as a hot beverage can sooth even the weariest of souls. No matter how foreign the soil or distant the land, the fondness for particular things never wanes. The need for such comforts is as human as the blood in our veins.
Price: €50 Digital Edition: 150

Thomas Seher is a composer and musician for film and theater. A few years ago he discovered the art of cinemagraphs and since then has been exploring the boundary between photography and film. His works decelerated movements open up a new perspective and invite observing changes. The motives are scenes, either real or staged, which gain a special artistic moment through they way the images are digitally processed. The continuous playback on the digital canvas provokes the impression of a smooth, ongoing movement. There is no cut, no change of perspective or camera panning - this is what makes it so captivating.